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Servant Leadership and Integrity

13-Point Manifesto Plan

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World Mental Health Day

Statement by Hon NH Mhlongo, MP Today, we observe World Mental Health Day, a global movement to promote awareness, education, and advocacy for mental health. Mental health affects us all, directly or indirectly. It’s time to break the silence and stigma surrounding mental illness. We must recognize that mental health is just as important as […]

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President of the IFP Velenkosini Hlabisa Addresses the Eastern Seaboard Development Engagement

President of the IFP and Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Honourable Velenkosini Hlabisa addressed the Eastern Seaboard Conference in Wild Coast Sun, Port Edward. In his opening remarks, the President first sent his condolences to the Premier of Eastern Cape, Honourable Oscar Mabuyane on the tragedy of mass killings in the Eastern Cape, […]

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This month in history

National Election Manifesto Launch of the Inkatha Freedom Party Ahead of the 2019 National and Provincial Elections

There is a moment in South Africa that comes once every five years. It is the moment when people from across our nation become absolutely equal. The wealthy and the poor, the young and the old, the rural and the urban; we all get the same chance to cast our vote, and every vote carries equal weight. This is democracy in its purest form, and it happens on election day…

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Latest Videos

Elections 2024 | IFP plans to fix issues in Folweni, south of Durban

Elections 2024 | IFP election campaign underway in KZN

Hlabisa expects IFP to win KZN in ’24; urges PA to join Opposition coalition

Watch: Party’s stance on the Israeli-Palestine conflict

Moonshot, IFP Munis & 2024 Elections with Hon. Hlabisa, President Inkatha Freedom Party | 17 Jul 23

IFP leader Velenkosini Hlabisa unpacks the Multi-Party Charter for SA

Our Leadership

The dedicated servant leaders striving to make South Africa a better place for all

Hon. Velenkosini Fiki Hlabisa

Hon. Velenkosini Fiki Hlabisa

President of the IFP
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Hon. Inkosi Mzamo Buthelezi

Hon. Inkosi Mzamo Buthelezi

IFP Deputy President
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IFP Election Song



In our free democratic society, our votes determine our future. We make this commitment to you, because IFP leaders and representatives are servants of the people. The IFP believes you deserve a government that serves you with integrity; a government you can trust.
