How do you know me? Let me count the ways

Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s Online LetterDear friends and fellow South Africans,How do you know me? Let me count the ways; you know me from The Star as "a dictator", from the Business Day as a "violent man", from The Daily News as clinging to...

Our Decision To Postpone Conference

Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s Online LetterDear friends and fellow South Africans,On Saturday night, primetime news brought us images of protesters wielding knobkerries, sticks and shields and calling for change in the IFP. And the newscaster glibly repeated the lie...

“Friends of VZ”

Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s Online LetterDear friends and fellow South Africans,As the IFP approaches its Annual General Conference, rumours are rife about the internal dynamics of the Party and the probable outcome of the elections. The media has run with some...