by Creation Labs | Feb 27, 2013 | Newsletters
Dear friends and fellow South Africans, Last Tuesday at Eagle’s Bridge in downtown Sofia, the capital city of Bulgaria, protestors clashed with riot police. People were demonstrating against shockingly high electricity bills. Unfortunately, the standoff between...
by Creation Labs | Feb 22, 2013 | Newsletters
Dear friends and fellow South Africans, In her book, “People’s War”, Dr Anthea Jeffery describes how, in the seventies, the ANC found itself with two serious rivals; the Black Consciousness Movement and Inkatha. By 1979, she writes, Inkatha was...
by Creation Labs | Feb 6, 2013 | Newsletters
Dear friends and fellow South Africans, When Minister Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education and Training, announced on Monday that 2013 would be the Year of the Artisan, I thought back to my time as Minister of Home Affairs and our efforts then to determine...