SADTU And The ANC Are At Loggerheads

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, “The Minister finds the stance taken by SADTU unfortunate; the posture and tone, regrettable.” (Spokesperson for the Department of Basic Education responding to calls from the South African Democratic Teachers’...

Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s Legacy

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s funeral aptly captured both a period of history and the dilemma of our future. For me, it was a cathartic experience that brought back memories of an intense personal and political relationship...

Baroness Margaret Thatcher

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, Astronomers tell us that when a star dies, we may still, for thousands of years, see the light it put out while it was living. Yesterday, one of the brightest stars in the firmament of the twentieth century died in London. Yet...