We Elect Leaders to Find Solutions

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, Speaking in Congo Brazzaville on Tuesday, President Zuma declared that it is up to the middle class to find solutions to South Africa’s problems. This reminded me of headlines around the e-toll saga: “Middle class...

South Africans’ Support For Mandela Day

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, This morning my NEC colleagues and I spent our “67 minutes” with the Sisters Missionaries of Charity in Durban. The mission cares for 70 individuals who are physically or financially unable to take care of...

Ramadan; A Time For Reflection

Dear friends and fellow South Africans, As we enter the first weekend of Ramadan, I extend my hope that families across South Africa will experience a time of healing in relationships and a renewed closeness. This ninth month of the Islamic calendar offers the...