The IFP in KwaZulu Natal condemns the huge under-spending for the financial year 2018/19 by the entities belonging to the provincial government of KwaZulu Natal. The total combined under-spending by all the entities amounted to R1Â 045Â 677 B. Of these entities, the...
The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in Gauteng can confirm that it has been offered the position of Chairperson of the Human Settlements Committee in the City Council of Ekurhuleni. We have accepted this offer. The IFP in Gauteng has nominated Cllr Alderman Alco Ngobese...
Mthokozisi Nxumalo MP IFP Youth Brigade Chairperson The IFP Youth Brigade (IFYB) notes with very serious concern the skyrocketing youth unemployment figures released today by StatsSA in the latest quarterly labour force survey. It is high time that government...
The IFP notes the ruling of the North Gauteng High Court on the Public Protector/Gordhan matter with serious concern with regard to the functionality and competence of the Office of the Public Protector. What comes out of the ruling is a clear indication that the...
BY HON P.N MSIMANGO, MPL- IFP 26 JULY 2019 Hon Chairperson Our support for this Budget Vote is in line with our firm commitment to constructive opposition. But the IFP would like to raise its grave concern about the insufficient budget allocation of RR478.96 million...