by Creation Labs | May 27, 2021 | Press Releases, Resolutions
Hon. LL van der Merwe Honourable Chairperson – The plans and funds we are debating today are a lifeline to millions of South Africans. They are the lifeline to many poor children surviving on a school meal alone. They are the lifeline to grandmothers providing...
by Creation Labs | May 27, 2021 | Press Releases
Hon. MN Nxumalo Honourable Chairperson, With the current dire state of our economy, we simply cannot afford any more excuses from Government for failures in oversight and slow consequence management. We cannot allow these Government Departments to hide behind...
by Creation Labs | May 27, 2021 | Press Releases
Hon. EM Buthelezi Honourable Chairperson, The IFP has long held the view that this Department should not exist, and that its various entities would be far better managed, were they to fall under their respective line function departments. It would appear that...
by Creation Labs | May 26, 2021 | Press Releases
The IFP in KZN Legislature is concerned that the ANC is breaking Covid19 Regulations We are concerned that the gathering outside the High Court in PMB today is likely to be a super spreader of the 3rd wave of Covid19 in KwaZulu-Natal Province. The regulations state...
by Creation Labs | May 25, 2021 | Press Releases
By Hon VF Hlabisa: Leader of the Official Opposition and President of the IFP TUESDAY 25TH MAY 2021: PIETERMARITZBURG Hon Speaker, Hon D/Speaker, & Hon Members Having just dealt with our provincial KwaZulu Natal Appropriation Bill 2021, and having given it a stamp...