The IFP is concerned about serious allegations that KwaMashu police are turning a blind eye to crime in their community. We have been reliably informed by concerned community members that KwaMashu police are reluctant to investigate crimes, and do not follow up on the leads shared with them. A recent case is of that of […]
Why is the ANC Hellbent onAlienating the Zulu King?
The IFP is deeply perturbed by the offensive behaviour of the ANC Government towards the monarchy in KwaZulu-Natal. Proposals have been tabled by the ANC in the Rules’ Committee of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature to scrap the guard of honour which salutes the King, and to compress the two-day opening ceremony of the Legislature by discarding […]
IFP: Heritage Day 2021 Message
Heritage Day represents a unique celebration of our cultural identities and our traditions, which all form part of the beautiful cultural tapestry of our country. The IFP has always recognised the unifying nature of the arts, culture, and heritage in South Africa, and has actively pursued the need to preserve and promote our unique heritage […]