BY HON T.P MADLOPHA-MTHETHWA IFP MPL Honourable Chairperson, Introduction Allow me to begin by officially congratulating the Hon Kwazi Mshengu on his appointment as the MEC of Education in KwaZulu-Natal. Today, Hon Speaker, we as the IFP would like to assure the people of this province that, they can trust us as an official opposition […]
KZN Provincial Legislature: Budget Debate On Vote 5 – Education
WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY 2019: PIETERMARITZBURG HON MNTOMUHLE “B” KHAWULA – IFP Hon Chairperson Hon Premier Hon MEC Education and members of the Executive council Hon members Ladies and gentlemen The IFP has always valued education as a field that is very close to the foundations and beliefs of the party. Since its inception, the IFP […]
Budget Vote 1: The Presidency
CONTRIBUTION BY PRINCE MANGOSUTHU BUTHELEZI MP PRESIDENT OF THE INKATHA FREEDOM PARTY National Assembly: 17 July 2019 His Excellency the President; Honourable Speaker; Honourable Members – Every budget highlights performance indicators, and relates these to the outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework. In the Presidency, performance indicators include quarterly monitoring reports on such things as […]