
The IFP believes that appropriate and stringent legislative and regulatory environmental controls and safeguards must be instituted by parliament, provincial and local governments to ensure progressive standards compliance and resource protection in the following critical, but not exclusive, areas:

Land Marine Resources
Water The Coastal Zone
Air Marine Resources
Energy Urban and Rural Development
Waste Management Mining
Agriculture Commerce
Preservation of Biodiversity Wildlife Conservation

The IFP accepts and endorses international conventions, treaties and guidelines which support sustainable development and attempt to create a global alliance for the preservation of our planet.

Alternative energy forms

Immediate action would be taken by an IFP government to shift South Africa’s reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass and small-scale hydroelectric plants. Improved public transport would also improve the quality of life of urban dwellers by reducing traffic, air pollution and road accidents.

A national environmental protection strategy

A national framework is required to effect, in practical terms, the integration of development and conservation priorities, and thus to ensure the preservation of biological diversity. Emphasis should be placed on land-use planning, environmental impact assessments on all new developments, energy and water conservation, waste management and the protection of endangered land, wildlife and coastal and marine ecosystems.

Past environmental policies have failed to be effectively and efficiently implemented. A key component of integrated national environmental management is the establishment of adequately resourced and competent provincial environmental affairs departments.

Environmental education

The IFP supports the view that it is the responsibility of government at all levels to actively promote environmental education programmes throughout society.

Responsibility for safeguarding the environment

The responsibility for safeguarding the environment must be shared among all of South Africa’s citizens. However, it is at local and provincial government levels in particular that the sustained use of our environment is best managed. Human resources in this field must therefore be rapidly developed within traditional structures, local government and provincial legislatures.
