Meeting of AmaKhosi of the Kingdom of KwaZulu Natal – 05 May 2000



Ulundi, 5th May 2000

AmaKhosi of the Kingdom of KwaZulu Natal met on this the 5th day of May, 2000 and unanimously adopted the following resolutions:

  1. AmaKhosi are very concerned by the development of the new local government dispensation which will be almost completed in a few days when the process of boundary demarcation will be finalised.
  2. It is clear that the new local government dispensation neither recognises nor protects the role, powers or functions of traditional leadership in respect of the governance of traditional communities.
  3. AmaKhosi feel that their intelligence is being insulted when they receive repeated assurances that their role, powers and functions will not be affected by the new local government dispensation, almost as if amaKhosi could not read for themselves the laws which ascribe to elected municipalities the very same powers which, until now, amaKhosi have been exercising.
  4. AmaKhosi strongly object to the establishment of elected municipalities to replace the powers of local government, insisting that attention should have been given to the proposals tabled by amaKhosi for the past five years that the two tier system be adopted, which combines traditional authorities with elected municipalities.
  5. AmaKhosi are very concerned that no written answer has been given to the memorandum that they have presented to President Mbeki detailing their concerns and grievances, or to the submission made to the President by the King of the Zulu Nation, in spite of the President’s assurances that a reply to such submission would be forthcoming. This behaviour echoes the failure of President Mandela to act on his promise that the memorandum submitted by amaKhosi in December 1994 would equally be answered, which he never responded to for the duration of his term as President of South Africa.
  6. AmaKhosi are committed to a future of peace and stability and do not intend to bring about a situation which, through conflict and confrontation, may undermine the most important building block of the country’s governance, namely local government, for they know well that local government is bound to fail if the contribution that amaKhosi can make is not fully capitalised on and their powers and functions are not respected.
  7. AmaKhosi hope that, for the sake of peace, stability and the success of local government, even at this late hour a solution can be found and the relevant legislation subjected to a profound rethinking, so that the role, powers and functions of amaKhosi can be clearly defined, respected and capitalised on.
  8. AmaKhosi call on the President and the whole country to appreciate that one cannot expect their co-operation in the electoral process, or that they should encourage their supporters and subjects to be part of it, if such process has the practical effect of securing their demise, for it would be like enlisting someone’s help in cutting his own throat.