National Coordinating Committee Resolutions – June 2000


The National Co-ordinating Committee of the Inkatha Freedom Party met on this 25th day of June 2000 and unanimously adopted the following


The IFP National Co-ordinating Committee –

  1. Condemns and deplores the vile assassination of a member of the IFP National Council and the Mayor of Nongoma, Mr. Joseph Sikhonde;
  2. Deplores the involvement of the KwaZulu Natal ANC provincial leadership in the aftermath of this assassination, especially in respect of the protection and harbouring which the suspects seem to have received, and the ANC’s failure to firmly and explicitly condemn the murder and its perpetrators;
  3. Believing this crime to be connected with the series of assassinations which culminated in the death of Mr Sikhonde, condemns the attempt made on the life of Induna Shodoba Ndlovu — the deputy of the IFP President in his capacity as the Inkosi of the Buthelezi clan -– who was wounded by gun shots fired at his house;
  4. Condemns the ANC’s overt strategy of rebellion and intimidation employed to destabilize many regions of KwaZulu Natal, including the area of jurisdiction of the leader of the IFP as the Inkosi of the Buthelezi clan; perpetrated by dedicated full-time agents provocateur such as Mr. Langa Ntshangase;
  5. Notes that these incidents are not isolated tragedies, but are taking place in a context in which once again weapons are flowing from Mozambique into ANC strong houses, IFP supporters’ houses are burned to the ground, and IFP supporters are often beaten and wounded and constantly intimidated;
  6. Notes with horror and concern that the ANC’s dogs of war are on the loose again and that certain ANC provincial leaders seem intent on running the local government elections with the same techniques of violence and intimidation of the heyday of the black-on-black conflict at its worst, which the IFP had hoped to be bad memories of a bygone era.