We the members of the IFP Youth Brigade have heard our President, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, spell out challenges to youth in devising a practical plan to win the hearts and minds of South Africans at large and in particular those ofyoung South Africans.
We therefore resolve:
- To re-affirm our commitment to the philosophy and principles of the Party.
- To solemnly pledge our support to the wise, perceptive and courageous leadership of our President as he charters a course which will lead the Party to electoral success.
- To do everything in our power to infuse energy and enthusiasm in all the activities and structures of the Party.
- To promise the President of the Party that we will spare no effort and leave no stone unturned to support his inspired political leadership and the victory of the IFP in the 1999 elections.
We the members of the IFP Youth Brigade accept the responsibility of becoming the driving force, and generating a spirit of victory and renewed enthusiasm for our march towards the 1999 elections.
We therefore resolve:
- To do everything in our power to win the hearts and minds of all South Africans.
- To expand the IFP vision to all communities in our country.
- To accept the Programme of Action proposed by the National Executive of the IFP Youth Brigade as the vehicle for achieving victory in the 1999 elections. We exhort every structure of the Youth Brigade to treat the implementation of the Programme of Action as a matter of priority.
We, the members of the Youth Brigade sadly note that South Africa lost the Olympic bid for 2004 despite the fact that the fifth ring in the Emblem represents Africa which has not been given an opportunity.
We therefore resolve:
- To recommend that the African community should not be deterred by the decision, but should start preparing for the 2008 Olympic bid.
We the members of the Youth Brigade have noted with utter disgust the erroneous, distorted and slanderous poison letter circulated to some news media establishments by enemies of the IFP accusing our President of undemocratic practices in discharging a duty given to him by the IFP constitution in appointing a leader and deputy leader of the Youth Brigade.
We therefore resolve:
- To condemn in the strongest possible terms this dastardly and diabolic behaviour of the enemies of the IFP who seek to sow confusion and division within the ranks of the Youth Brigade.
- To caution our members against falling easy prey to the divisive and destructive evil ploys of these enemies of our Party who will do anything to confuse our members.
We the members of the Youth Brigade in seeking to pursue the goal of genuine social and economic liberation undertake to offer to the youth across the length and breadth of Africa the spirit of self-help and self-reliance.
We therefore resolve:
- To realise our greatest potential for human professional and economic growth in redressing the present as well as the past economic injustices of the country by promoting amongst youth self-help and entrepreneurial projects.
We the members of the Youth Brigade are mindful of the fact that one of the flaws of the past educational system was that it put too much emphasis on academic rather than technical skills. This legacy left the majority of our youth disadvantaged and unemployable.
We therefore resolve to:
- Lead the campaign of encouraging and arousing the awareness of youth to explore technical fields of study.
- Develop a sense of entrepreneurship needed in the world of an ever-developing technological age.
We the members of the Youth Brigade note with concern and dismay COSATU”s disruptive programme of action which poses a serious threat to an already poorly performing South African economy.
We therefore resolve:
- To condemn in the strongest possible terms the obnoxious tendency by COSATU to selfishly serve and protect their own interests at the expense of the vast throngs of the unemployed.
- To encourage the President of the IFP in his tireless efforts to stand up to this unacceptable behaviour of COSATU.
- To call upon the South African Government of National Unity to refuse to be intimidated by the likes of COSATU and the outdated and failed approaches of the SACP.