Youth Brigade Conference Resolutions 2019


ULUNDI: Saturday, 13 July 2019


The IFP Youth Brigade (IFPYB) Elective Conference met to elect a new leadership at a time when South Africa’s youth faces a multiplicity of severe and grave challenges, that requires young people from across the political divide, to rise up and provide solutions and leadership to these grave challenges.

The IFP has at its core bright, young, energetic, talented and passionate South Africans who stand ready to build the IFP into a stronger political force and to build a united prosperous South Africa that can deliver on the IFP’s vision of social and economic justice for all.

Conference noted external and internal dynamics and challenges which are as follows –


Our economy has stagnated over a number of years, reducing the ability of government to raise revenue and causing devastating levels of unemployment, poverty and despair, especially amongst the youth. In fact, South Africa’s youth unemployment rates are the highest in the world. Being unemployed robs young people of their dreams, their full potential and their human dignity.

The development of an inclusive economy is therefore an absolute priority. We need to get our young people working, to alleviate poverty, redress inequality, empower families, and fulfil the rightful aspirations of all our people and future generations.

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

Prioritize the development of an IFPYB Policy Framework on Youth Economic Emancipation;

Continue to lobby and call for the establishment of Youth Ministry within Government to focus solely on youth matters and in particular, youth unemployment;

Advocate for a new focus on capacity building at municipalities in order to be drivers of local economic development that will benefit the youth, self-help and self-reliance;

Champion SMME business development and local economic development, with a special focus on youth;

Continue to call on Government to ensure that data costs are brought down to the bare minimum and where possible, internet be made available for free to all young people who are in need of access to such services for the preparation of CVs and job interviews;


Achieving true and meaningful gender equality is of utmost importance to the IFPYB. We know that we will in a patriarchal society where women still bear the brunt of poverty, remaining on the fringes of the economy. Women still earn less than men for doing the exact same job. Women face war on our streets, at home and in the workplace. Ours is one of the most dangerous countries for women and children to live in. This must change

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

Call on all IFP municipalities to prioritize the roll-out of free sanitary pads to vulnerable children in need, while calling on government to ensure that where there is one free condom made available to the public, it is matched with one free sanitary pad for a girl in need;

Call on the IFP Caucus at Parliament to prioritize private members’ legislation to enforce equal pay for equal work;

Lobby Government for the inclusion of gender equality module to be introduced as part of the school curriculum;

Work to combat, defeat and dislodge patriarchy wherever it manifests in our society.


Education remains a fundamental and integral element in the machinery of our country’s development, consistent with the IFP’s “Education for Liberation” mantra.

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

State unequivocally that free, quality education must be made available to all young people from early Childhood Development level to Primary, Secondary and Higher Education level;

Reiterate our call that free scholar transport and effective nutrition schemes in all public schools is the only way to develop a generation of young people that can prosper and fully achieve their dreams;

Be vanguards of discipline at high schools and institutions of higher learning;

Support and applaud the plans of the establishment of a bursary scheme administered by the Party to distribute.


In 2014, the IFPYB leadership launched Operation Khwezela: Operational Framework For the Sustainable Renewal and Revival of Structures wherein the NEC interacted with constituencies and districts to focus on branch mobilization

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

Declare that this Operation remains relevant for it recognizes and entrenches the authority of branches as the basic unit of party mobilization;

Resolve that the Operation be revived in line with the Party’s vision and mission of growing itself into a stronger opposition party ready to reclaim the Province of


Never before has it ever been more important for SADESMO to reclaim its rightful place in the student formation political arena. For the IFP to grow and succeed, SADESMO must become a progressive, growing movement. To this end, the noble ideals of Operation Siyabahlangabeza remain relevant if we are to make a meaningful impact and push back on the frontiers of SADTU, Cosas and SASCO’s dominance.

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

Recommend that SADESMO conferences be held each year;

Call on all IFPYB Constituencies and Districts to take full ownership of SADESMO;

Propose that the national conference of SADESMO be convened by no later than October of 2019;

Insist that Operation Siyabahlangabeza form part of the Party’s massive mobilization campaign;

Call on the Party’s leadership to ensure that political education form a central part of the development of SADESMO cadres, leaders and supporters in the form of political classes and lectures;

Appeal to the Party’s Finance Committee to ensure that the Party develop a fully functional and effective fundraising model for SADESMO and its activities.


Conference thanked the out-going leadership of the IFP Youth Brigade led by comrades Mkhuleko Hlengwa, and Zandile Majozi and their NEC. Their leadership have been exemplary and the IFP Youth Brigade played an integral part in the success of the IFP at the 2019 National and Provincial Conference. Most of the IFP’s rallies and election mobilization events had large numbers of youth present speaking to the resilience of the leadership of the Youth Brigade and the formation as a whole.

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

To congratulate the out-going Chairperson Mr Mkhuleko Hlengwa MP on his re-election to Parliament and on becoming Chairperson of Parliament’s accounts watchdog SCOPA;

To congratulate Ms Zandile Majozi on her election to Parliament which proves that the IFP Youth Brigade is the training ground for p

To declare unwavering support to the incoming leadership of the IFP Youth Brigade while calling on the team to ensure that they leave no stone unturned in being the vanguards of the IFP’s vision, mission and future growth and success;

Call for the IFP to establish a school of political leadership that will groom future leaders

Youth Councillors forum launched in 2016 to receive particular focus and support in the lead up to the 2021 Local Government Elections;


Currently, there are elements within the Party that have adopted methods of operation that are alien to the IFP. They seek to attain power at any cost while driving divisions and seeking to destroy the gains the Party made at the 2019 poll.

The IFP Youth Brigade resolved to:

To be the vanguards of unity and growth within the IFP; and to reject any elements that seek to destroy the IFP and unity within its rank and file;

Seek to emulate and build on the great legacy and leadership of Prince Mangsouthu Buthelezi for future generations;

To thank the IFP President for his example of selfless and moral leadership he has provided for decades and he continues to provide to the Party and the people of South Africa as a whole.
