IFP is concerned about outbreak of Corona virus in KZN private hospitals

Apr 17, 2020 | Press Releases

The IFP is concerned about the outbreak of corona virus in KZN Private hospitals and it calls for urgent investigation, monitoring into the infection controls and preventative measures into these hospitals.

The cracks in the private health care are starting to show and people’s lives are at high risk. The IFP calls for an urgent investigation into why the incidents of people and staff are getting affected by the virus in large numbers in these hospitals namely the Kingways Hospital and St Augstine Hospital. We demand that if anyone found to have been negligent in prioritising safety of patients and employees must be held accountable.

It is concerning that private hospitals which are regarded as most advance healthcare facilities are the ones that are reporting many cases of Corona Virus. This raises many questions than answers. Private hospitals are proving to have poor infection controls and Covid-19 is exposing them. We do not want to see more private healthcare institutions shutting down because if this trend is not investigated thoroughly then the system will be in shambles in no time.

The IFP further calls on the KZN MEC of Health, Nomagugu Simelane-Zulu to ensure that all Provincial Private hospitals must present their detailed plans on what measures are in place to prevent the corona virus.

The IFP believes that all healthcare workers and patients in hospitals irrespective of whether they are in government hospitals or private hospitals must be provided with adequate PPE. The failure to protect the workers is tantamount to attempted murder. Hospital management who are failing to protect workers must be held accountable.

The IFP further calls on the KZN MEC to ensure that all healthcare works in public hospitals and clinics are provided with adequate PPE. She must not wait before the corona virus is reported to any public healthcare facility to act accordingly in advance.

Mrs Ncamisile Nkwanyana,MPL
IFP KZN Provincial Spokesperson on Health
078 302 3991

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