In Celebration Of Christmas 2016

Dec 25, 2016 | Press Releases

Statement By
Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi MP
President Of The Inkatha Freedom Party

Often when we think back on our childhood, the most vivid memories are of Christmas Day.

I remember growing up at KwaDlamahlahla, the palace of my uncle, King Solomon ka Dinuzulu. Whenever he had visitors, they would sit out on the veranda, and I would stay close-by, for that was when the King ordered chocolate biscuits to be served!

But, understandably, my fondest memories are of Christmas. My uncle, Prince Mshiyeni ka Dinuzulu, served as Regent after the King’s death, and he went to great lengths to entertain us all on Christmas Day. We converged on his residence at KwaSokesimbone, expectant of good food and great fun.

Many years later, having experienced eight decades of Christmas celebrations, I am no less excited about 25 December than I was back then. I still gather with family and friends, making it a priority to host Christmas lunch for those I work closely with day in and day out.

First, however, my wife and I attend church together for the Eucharist, as we have done for 64 years. During that service on Christmas Day, I call to mind the many times the Lord has provided, intervened, healed, comforted, guided and restored, both me and my family, over the course of the year. I give thanks for His Lordship.

Because, as an adult, Christmas has become more than gifts and good food. That is not what excites me. What excites me now is the knowledge that we are living in a time of grace. The Bible says, in John chapter 1 verse 17, that “The law was given through Moses” but “grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

We are not living under religious law that condemns us to continually fall short of what we should do and who we should be. We are living under the grace of Christ that allows us free access to the one who made us. We can talk to Him and lay our burdens before Him, without feelings of condemnation and guilt. We can get to know our Maker and receive the promise of eternal life.

All of this is possible because of Christmas Day, when the son of God was born in Bethlehem. God’s plan of redemption was set in motion with the birth of Christ and, with His death, we were saved.

To me, that is far more exciting than presents or food. It’s a knowledge that makes every day as good as Christmas morning.

This morning, as you celebrate with family and friends, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. May you too come to know the grace of the King who was born in a stable. May His peace reign in your heart.

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