Happy Birthday to IFP President Velenkosini Hlabisa

Jan 4, 2022 | Press Releases

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) would like to take the opportunity to send our best wishes to our President, Hon. Velenkosini Hlabisa, MPL, as he celebrates his 57th birthday today.

We would further like to wish him the best of health, and the continued wisdom to lead the Party, as we embark upon a new year. President Hlabisa did a stellar job throughout 2021 – despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the gruelling preparations and campaign trail for the 2021 Local Government Elections (LGE).

President Hlabisa criss-crossed the country to carry the IFP’s promise of good governance, integrity, and accountability to our communities: he is a true servant leader, committed to making the best decisions for our people. He spoke, and the people listened, entrusting the IFP with many municipalities.

Happy Birthday Bulawayo, and may you have many more! May you continue to serve the people of South Africa in the spirit of ubuntu/botho.

Hon. Mkhuleko Hlengwa, MP
IFP National Spokesperson
071 111 0539

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