IFP Applauds Arrest of Premier’s Office Officials by Hawks and Calls for Lifestyle Audits and an Anti-Corruption Indaba

Jul 30, 2020 | Press Releases

The IFP feels vindicated following the arrest of officials in Premier Sihle Zikalala’s office. The IFP have long been saying that there is corruption taking place right under the Premier’s nose.

We welcome the arrest by the Hawks of CFO, Ziphathe Mboneni Cibane, personal assistant, Nomusa Zakwe, administration clerk, Njabulo Makhathini, senior administration clerk, Sthembiso Msomi, and Director of Phumelanga Communications, Gugu Kheswa. All were granted bail by the Durban Commercial Crimes Court yesterday, however we believe more big fishes are still lurking in the sea of corruption.

Phumelanga Communications colluded with officials in Premier’s Office and fair tender procurement processes were flouted. We believe that further investigations should be initiated. “This is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Mr Gwala.

These arrests not only taint the Premier’s Office but raise concerns about whether this Office is fit to oversee operations in all other departments, or if it’s a “fish rots from the head down” situation.

The IFP believes there is more rot than envisaged.

We have been enquiring about investigations that were kept under wraps without action. The Premier has much to say, but there is little action where corruption is concerned.

The worst part is that the results of all investigations into conduct by his Office are never made public. We applaud the provincial police, National Police Commissioner, Minister of Police and the Hawks for the strides they have made in fighting corruption in the province because it takes guts to investigate the Premier’s Office.

We as the IFP further call for the Premier’s Office to conduct compulsory lifestyle audits for all members of staff, starting with the Premier himself. If he is serious about corruption, he must lead by example. Words must be supported by decisive action.

The IFP also proposes an Anti-Corruption Indaba.

The premier must desist from getting embroiled in ANC factionalism. He must put the people of KwaZulu-Natal first, and put the administration first.

Mr Blessed Gwala
IFP Spokesperson for Safety and Community Liaison
078 290 5842

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