IFP Assistance to Myeni Family Not Cheap Political Grandstanding

Jul 22, 2023 | Press Releases

The IFP, as the Official Opposition in the KZN Legislature, is shocked by claims from the KZN ANC-led government that offers of assistance to Snegugu Myeni’s family are “cheap political grandstanding”.

After receiving the sad news of the passing of their beloved daughter in the Philippines, the family of Snegugu Myeni sought assistance for the repatriation of her body, as they did not have the necessary finances. However, the ANC-led KZN government allegedly refused to assist, citing a myriad of reasons.

The Myeni family then decided to share their plight on social media, asking for assistance from good Samaritans.

In an answer to this plea, Reverend Thulasizwe Buthelezi, Mayor of the IFP-led Zululand District Municipality, assisted by local business owners, pledged to help the Myeni family with repatriation costs. We would like to commend the generosity displayed by the ZDM Mayor, as well as local businesses. We urge others to follow suit.

However, according to a reliable source in the family, when ANC-led KZN government heard of this, officials from the KZN Premier’s office allegedly interrogated the Myeni family about why they requested assistance from the IFP-led Zululand District Municipality. Further, the officials allegedly gave the family an ultimatum: reject the offer, otherwise they would not be assisted by the ANC government.

This, despite a statement from the ZDM Mayor, stating that “his intervention will not be interfering with the government processes”.

If the ANC-led government truly cared, they would have helped immediately, and not waited until the family’s heartbreak became an opportunity for media coverage. It would be wise for the ruling party to tread lightly when it comes to such emotional issues. This is yet another clear indication that the ANC-led government has lost the spirit of Ubuntu.

Mr Blessed Gwala MPL
IFP Chief Whip in the KZN Legislature
078 290 5842

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