Dec 16, 2019 | Press Releases


Hon Narend Singh, MP
083 788 5954


A delegation of senior Inkatha Freedom Party members led by new IFP President, Velenkosini Hlabisa, will leave on Sunday 15 th December for an official party visit to the Republic of China [Taiwan].

Following Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s attendance at the inauguration of President Tsai Ing-wen in 2016 this will be the third IFP delegation to visit Taiwan.

The IFP delegation is as follows:

  1. Mr Velenkosini Hlabisa, MPL (IFP President)
  2. Mr Siphosethu Ngcobo, MP (IFP Secretary-General)
  3. Mr Narend Singh, MP (IFP Treasurer-General and Chief Whip in Parliament)
  4. Ms Thembeni Mthethwa, MPL
  5. Ms Liezl van der Merwe, MP
  6. Adv. Anthony Mitchell

The delegation will meet with key government officials and private sector leaders in the fields of Energy, Health, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Education, Home Affairs, Economic Affairs, Justice and law enforcement, International Relations and will visit the legislative Yuan.

Taiwan has much to offer South Africa as we strive to overcome the legacy of past exclusion and forge ahead towards the creation of our own developmental State ‘success story’.

Although South Africa has come a long way since the advent of democracy, our transition remains incomplete and this is where we can learn a great deal from countries with stable democratic governance and strong economic growth, such as in Taiwan.

Hon Narend Singh, MP
083 788 5954

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