The Inkatha Freedom Party in KwaZulu-Natal is demanding swift action against an ANC Ward Councillor from Mthonjaneni who was arrested in Vryheid with 15 head of cattle stolen from Piet Retief.
“It is unacceptable that a public representative who people trusted and voted for has now betrayed their trust by engaging in such criminal activity. Crime committed by any citizen is bad enough but it is even worse when a ward councillor engages in criminal activity. People will find it difficult to trust their public representatives when they find that their councillor is engaging in criminal activity. Ideally, public representatives should be above reproach and earn the trust of the communities in which they work. Stock theft has been an on-going problem in our province and it has also led to unrest within communities. Our people attach immense value to their animals and therefore we condemn stock theft in the strongest possible terms,” said IFP Spokesperson on Community Safety & Liaison, Mr Blessded Gwala MPL.
“We commend the police on their swift action in arresting this councillor and recovering the cattle. It is imperative for the ANC to be bold and set an example by dealing harshly with this councillor who is bringing disrepute to the municipality and to all public servants. Such a person must not be allowed to continue as a ward councillor as he has tarnished his reputation. If the ANC is serious about ending corruption and criminal activity, it now has an opportunity to prove this. We cannot remain silent when poor people are being robbed of their possessions by the very people who they have trusted to represent them”, concluded Mr Gwala
Issued by:
Mr Blessed Gwala
IFP Community Safety and Liaison
078 290 5842