IFP Durban Metro Calls for Motion of No Confidence in eThekwini Mayor

Nov 7, 2023 | Press Releases

The IFP Durban Metro has called on the Speaker of the eThekwini Municipality to debate a Motion of No Confidence against His Worship, the Mayor, Councillor M. T. Kaunda. The Motion is brought forward under the provisions of Section 53 of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, No. 117 of 1998 Regulations.

The IFP Durban Metro has highlighted several critical concerns that have arisen during Mayor Kaunda’s tenure.

These concerns include:

• Notarised findings by the Auditor-General for multiple financial years, indicating financial irregularities within the Municipality.

• Misuse of municipal finance during the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially affecting the resources allocated for public health and safety during a crisis.

• Protracted and unnecessary delays in providing housing to flood victims, leaving vulnerable residents without adequate shelter.

• The return of R1.9 billion to the National Treasury, due to unspent grants designated for repairing critical infrastructure damaged during floods.

In addition, under the leadership of Mayor Kaunda, residents of eThekwini have experienced:

• The highest increases in tariffs, leading to financial strain on the Municipality’s residents.

• The writing-off of billions in unauthorised, irregular, fruitless, and wasteful (UIFW) expenditure.

• Unstable investor interest and erratic cashflow patterns, negatively impacting the Municipality’s financial stability.

In light of these concerns, we call for his immediate removal as Mayor.

The IFP Durban Metro urges all relevant parties to take swift and decisive action to ensure the welfare and future of eThekwini Municipality and its residents, by supporting our calls for the removal of Mayor Kaunda.

[Click to download Motion of No Confidence]

Cllr Mdu Nkosi
IFP Durban Metro Chairperson
076 133 1382

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