IFP in KZN Responds to Obtuse ANC Statement

Jun 22, 2023 | Press Releases, Provincial (KZN/Gauteng)

The ANC’s lack of political maturity was again on full display today when it issued another ill-advised and obtuse statement about the IFP, which highlighted the ANC’s desperate attempts to discredit and undermine the Party.

As the IFP grows from strength to strength ahead of 2024, the ANC – rather than focusing on delivering quality services and addressing the pressing needs of the people – seems more preoccupied with a destructive political agenda against the IFP.

In stark contrast, IFP-led municipalities are working for the people. We prioritise the needs of the communities we serve, working tirelessly to uplift and empower our citizens.

The recent series of IFP victories in by-elections are a clear indication of the trust that voters have placed in our Party, while the ANC’s string of losses speak volumes about the diminishing confidence in their ability to govern effectively.

The residents of KwaZulu-Natal are replacing the ANC with the IFP, recognising our Party as their only hope.

The IFP’s successes in the Mthonjaneni, eThekwini, uMhlathuze and Matimatolo (Mvoti) by-elections are significant milestones, as we have unseated the ANC in wards that were previously under their control.

These victories reflect the people’s dissatisfaction with a failing ANC. It is worth noting that the ANC’s bitterness stems from losing more than 10 local and district municipalities to the IFP in the 2021 local government elections.

The IFP firmly believes in fair and transparent democratic processes. We have consistently upheld the principles of free and fair elections, ensuring that the will of the people is respected. Any allegations of vote-rigging by the ANC are baseless and unfounded.

The ANC should instead reflect on their own conduct and take responsibility for their shortcomings, especially in eThekwini Municipality and the Departments they are running poorly, like the Department of Education.

Furthermore, a recent report by the Auditor-General revealed that not a single ANC-led municipality in the KZN province received a clean audit. In contrast, two of the only three municipalities that did receive a clean audit in the province are IFP-led, namely the City of uMhlathuze Municipality and the King Cetshwayo District Municipality.

It is also disappointing to witness the ANC’s gross abuse of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) to gain control of hung municipalities that are rightfully under the governance of the IFP.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the uMvoti ‘take over’ yesterday was nothing more than a scam by a group of unethical leaders, who took desperate steps to grab control, by disbarring some IFP councillors from voting online. This matter will be subject to a legal challenge.

Despite the ANC’s divisive tactics and baseless accusations, the IFP remains deeply committed to serving the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

Unlike the ANC, we will continue to advocate for transparent governance, responsible leadership, and the delivery of quality services to uplift our communities.

Cllr Thami Ntuli
IFP Provincial Chairperson
072 585 5000

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