The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature warns the ANC to cease trying to reclaim the trust of the people of KZN through frivolous actions related to the Zulu Royal Household.
Premier Sihle Zikalala is trying very hard to have his bread buttered on both sides, using the handover of five SUV vehicles to King Zwelithini’s kaBhekuzulu Queens as a publicity stunt. As the IFP, we applaud the vehicle handover, but must question the timing.
It is shameful of the Premier to grandstand about this, and to act as if the vehicles were Christmas gifts.
The Premier knows very well that this handover has been long overdue.
The vehicles should have been handed over – as approved – even before the passing of King Goodwill Zwelithini kaNyangayeziwe and Queen Mantfombi Shiyiwe. However, for some unknown reason, the handover was kept on hold.
Further, the Premier should answer to the people of KZN about what he plans to do with the late Queen’s vehicle, as Her Palace, Khangelamakengane, did not receive it, despite the vehicle already being purchased. We view this action as a way of ignoring Khangelamankengane Palace and would like to hear what the reasons are for this.
We are concerned that Premier Zikalala merely creates the appearance of supporting traditional leadership structures in the province, while he has no clear future development plans. We believe that this is the last batch of vehicles to be handed over to the Zulu Royal Household, as the National Development Plan 2030 is silent about traditional leadership, especially the mighty Zulu Royalty.
The IFP has repeatedly warned the people of KZN that they should not fall prey to the ANC’s self-glorification-seeking theatrical gimmicks, intended to divide the Zulu Royal Household.
IFP Caucus Spokesperson for Safety and Community Liaison in the KZN Legislature and Member for Premier’s Portfolio
Mr Blessed Gwala
078 290 5842