Good morning to all the members of the media. Thank you for joining us here today, as we take time to share outcomes from the Inkatha Freedom Party’s KZN PEC Strategic Planning Workshop, held from 8 to 9 April 2022.
This Workshop was attended by IFP Leadership, including IFP President, Hon. Velenkosini Hlabisa, as well as IFP Deputy President, Inkosi Mzamo Buthelezi; Members of the IFP KZN Provincial Executive Committee; the NEC of the IFP Women’s Brigade and the NEC of the IFP Youth Brigade; MPs and MPLs; District Chairpersons and Secretaries, as well as Constituency Chairpersons and Secretaries; Caucus Chairpersons; Mayors, Deputy Mayors, and Speakers.
All these leaders have shown an ongoing, tireless commitment to the IFP’s vision of a just, prosperous, and moral society, whose citizens engage with each other on the basis of ubuntu/botho.
We gathered for this Strategic Workshop in order to collaborate and plan for the way forward on the basis of our theme, which was: “The IFP in KZN forges ahead while riding on the strong legacy of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, and timeless values of his struggle for liberation.”
We have heard the desperate pleas and cries of our people, calling for change; and the IFP is readying itself for a decisive victory in 2024 in KZN.
As the IFP, we were greatly encouraged by the strong show of support in the 2021 Local Government Elections. However, we are also aware that 2024 is fast approaching and it is no secret that we are positioning ourselves to take back KwaZulu-Natal.
Over the past few years, the Province has been brought to its knees due to corruption, crime, mismanagement, lawlessness, and poverty. This cannot continue. The people of KwaZulu-Natal deserve more. This is why the Province needs to return to the IFP style of management, where the people are at the centre of governance. The focus must be on service delivery. As the IFP, we want to deliver the much-needed basic services to our communities and restore integrity and good governance.
Furthermore, we are making a clarion call to all those that owe municipalities rates and taxes to make good on their debt, especially government departments here in KZN, who collectively owe our municipalities just over R2 Billion; and business owes some R7.3 Billion.
We are committed to fulfilling the promises made in our 2021 LGE Manifesto and determined to improve the lives of those living in the 28 Municipalities where the IFP now governs.
Yes, needs might differ slightly across municipalities, but ultimately, every community demands and deserves to be treated with dignity.
Our people deserve quality basic services, and opportunities for youth, women, and persons with disabilities. Our people want to be able to feed their families, have a roof over their heads and feel safe when they are at home, or walking on the streets of their village or town. If a family member is ill, there should be a clinic close by, not hours away, and it should provide efficient and caring service. Our traditional leaders have much wisdom and experience to share, and only ask for a platform to be heard.
At the close of the two days of discussions, inputs and deliberations, several resolutions were passed, including solution-orientated, practical actions to be taken across all Municipalities where the IFP governs:
Among others, we resolved:
- To uphold and promote the principles of good governance that the IFP has become known for.
- To ensure that supply chain management and financial principles are strictly adhered to.
- To expose any and all forms of financial mismanagement and oppose corruption wherever it may exist.
- To commit all public funds to improve the lives of our citizens.
- To encourage all IFP-controlled Municipalities to achieve clean audits going forward.
Other resolutions focussed on the importance of Voting Districts and active Branch Structures, and the need to boost membership recruitment campaigns, as well as the importance of recruiting and training enthusiastic, dedicated volunteers.
We further resolved, as per our 2021 LGE Manifesto, to recognise the important role played by Amakhosi, with a commitment:
- To prioritise visits to Amakhosi and unpack the IFP programmes.
- To keep Amakhosi informed of IFP activities in their areas.
- That IFP-led Municipalities will support the work of Amakhosi.
The topic of unity also featured throughout the two days of the Workshop, and we resolved:
- To encourage unity at all levels.
- To reject camps and divisions as enemies of the IFP and legacy of His Excellency, the Founder and President Emeritus of the IFP.
- To not only talk of unity, but to effectively promote and practice unity.
As IFP KZN leadership, we left the Strategic Workshop with renewed enthusiasm for and dedication to the task at hand, as well as being equipped with practical action-plans to take back to our structures across the Province.
The IFP, as the Official Opposition in the KZN Legislature, will heighten its role in holding the failing and corrupt government to account, as a demonstration of an IFP that is a government in waiting and ready to govern.
In this regard, a comprehensive programme of action will be rolled out from June 2022.
As the IFP, we stand ready, able, and willing to bring good governance, integrity, and accountability back to the people of KwaZulu-Natal through servant leadership.
The letters “IFP” must individually and collectively mean I’m For People, I’m For Progress and I’m For Purpose. This is the brand we give the people of KwaZulu-Natal.
I thank you.