IFP marks 70 years of UN Human Rights Declaration

Dec 12, 2018 | Press Releases

Narend Singh MP
IFP Chief Whip in Parliament

The 10th of December 2018 marked 70 years since the signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Enshrined within the values of the declaration are the universal rights that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

The progress made by the United Nations in ensuring that all human rights are observed, protected and defended in the global community is commendable. However, more can certainly be done by participating nations in adhering to the values in upholding all human rights.

It is unfortunate that 70 years on since the signing of this declaration and 25 years into our democracy, South Africans are yet to find each other. Recent events in our country have seen the erosion of social cohesion among all our people.

We must all take concerted action from all stakeholders in society, particularly at grassroots level to uphold the values of social cohesion, dignity and human rights. We cannot expect our country to celebrate two major human rights events in a year and expect people to rally behind a call to action. It starts at home, in schools, in the workplace, at public and private institutions and with individual agencies.

The wounds of our past continue to manifest today; no South African should be called a settler or be treated as one. Every person has a place under the sun.

The IFP wishes to extend its gratitude to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) for upholding and defending the values of the 70-year-old Human Rights Declaration.

The IFP holds firm that we are all stronger together when we collaborate our efforts to combat any form of human rights violations.

Our nation, as a member of the UN and the Security Council has a particular role to play in being a beacon to other African nations in upholding human rights.

70 years is a significant milestone for Human Rights and the IFP marks this month as it directly speaks to our values, goals and objectives as a political party in South Africa.

We can certainly all do more to combat any form of Human Rights violations here at home and abroad.

The Human Rights declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on the 10th of December 1948.

Narend Singh MP
IFP Chief Whip in Parliament
083 788 5954

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