Dec 10, 2019 | Press Releases


On Wednesday, 04 December 2019 the City of Johannesburg elected a new Mayor, Mr Geoff Makhubo, following the resignation of Mr Herman Mashaba; and subsequently on Saturday, 07 December 2019 the new Mayor announced his multi-party Mayoral Committee wherein two IFP Councillors, Cllr Nonhlanhla Makhuba and Cllr Mlungisi Mabaso, were included for the Department of Transport and Department of Human Settlements respectively.

The set of circumstances which have prevailed in the City of Johannesburg have been very difficult to navigate, and ultimately hard choices had to be made.

The Cooperation Agreement which was concluded in 2016 has not been without its problems, and at every material point of difficulty the IFP has remained committed to the agreement.

At times in the City of Johannesburg we have been undermined, overlooked and isolated; contrary to the dictates of the Cooperation Agreement; but despite these challenges we have pressed on.

In 2017 an IFP MMC was removed without consultation. Our remaining MMC, subsequently, did not enjoy the latitude of her office with an overshadowing Mayor.

The list of challenges in the City of Johannesburg is endless.

The resignation of Mr Mashaba provided an opportunity for the Cooperation Agreement to press the reset button and fix that which had broken; and clearly the fielding of two Mayoral Candidates from two of the Parties in the Cooperation Agreement, namely the DA and EFF, was amongst other factors indicative of a deadlock in the cooperation in the City of Johannesburg.

Operations in cooperations and coalitions are not the prerogative or sole preserve of the leading Party; and consultations, negotiations and mutual respect form the fundamental basis of interaction which increasingly became absent in the City of Johannesburg as was the case in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro and Mogale City.

These challenges are not universal in the Cooperation Agreement.

Our arrangement therefore in Johannesburg is not characterized by a “quid pro quo” as has been largely and wrongly reported.

Therefore, the decision to vote with the ANC was done in the collective interests of service delivery and to restore stability.

The Citizens of the City of Johannesburg could not be subjected to playing second fiddle to party politicking with service delivery being brought to a halt.

The IFP remains committed to the values of good governance, integrity and people-centered development.

The IFP will maintain its individual identity and uphold its values. The IFP in agreeing to work with the ANC does not become an extension of the ANC; just as it was not an extension of the DA in the previous arrangement.

In the departments where we have been deployed we will endeavor to deliver quality services to the People of Johannesburg.

Coalitions are not easy, particularly given their newness to South Africa, and they come with many lessons.

MMC designate Nonhlanhla Makhuba, IFP Women’s Brigade Deputy National Chairperson, retains the Transport Portfolio which she has held with diligence and professionalism since 2016.

MMC designate Mlungisi Mabaso, IFP Youth Brigade National Secretary, brings with him youthful energy and innovation to the Human Settlements Portfolio, where he was a member of the Portfolio Committee since 2016.

We wish our Comrades well in the execution of their duties.

The IFP assures the residents of the City of Johannesburg of our commitment to serving their interests and being a voice of reason and good governance in the broader cooperation government in the City.

Mkhuleko Hlengwa MP
IFP National Spokesperson
071 111 0539

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