IFP Notes Release of Final Tranche of Zondo Commission Report

Jun 22, 2022 | Press Releases

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) notes the handover and release of the fifth and final tranche of the Report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State (the Zondo Commission Report).

This, notwithstanding the numerous delays in the finalisation and release of the Report, which will themselves have to be tested, to determine if they had any impact on the Report’s recommendations and their envisioned outcomes.

As the IFP, we would again like to express our sincere thanks to the Commission and all its support staff, who tackled this mammoth task with diligence, and without fear or favour.

It will be up to history to judge if they were indeed equal to the task at hand.

Further, we would like to thank Justice Zondo for navigating difficult terrain, which was often politically charged. He had to discharge his duties in the face of frequent criticism, and managed to do so with dignity, and in a manner befitting his station as an Officer of the Court: this, in itself, is to be commended.

However, we would like to state clearly: the handover of the Zondo Commission Report does not herald the end of state capture; merely the end of a specific era of state capture.

As Parliament, and as opposition parties, we cannot afford to rest on our laurels. We must continue to ask the difficult questions, expose corruption, and hold the Executive to account.

In addition, this Report cannot be left to gather dust. Based on the many findings and recommendations communicated thus far, swift prosecutions, consequence management and reforms are desperately needed, across all government departments.

We therefore call upon law enforcement agencies and Parliament to act with the necessary haste and efficiency required to ensure such. As the IFP, and as servants of the people, we will continue to support any endeavours that seek to uphold the rule of law, and ensure good governance and accountability.

Hon. Mkhuleko Hlengwa, MP
IFP National Spokesperson
071 111 0539

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