IFP Ready to Serve: NEC Meeting with Stats SA

Dec 18, 2023 | Press Releases

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) extends its sincere appreciation to the Statistician-General, Mr. Risenga Maluleke and his team from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA), who briefed the IFP’s National Executive Committee (NEC) today.

The presentation received today is extremely valuable to the IFP, as we consolidate our policies and prepare to develop our 2024 manifesto.

The IFP remains committed to data and research-based policy development.

The presentation by the Statistician-General on the 2022 Census Data and other related data will assist the Party in sharpening its focus on targeting its service delivery efforts in areas where we govern, while showcasing to the rest of South Africa what’s possible under an IFP-led administration.

The IFP commends the Statiscian-General and StatsSA for the good work they do for South Africa and appreciates the independence of StatsSA.

Mkhuleko Hlengwa, MP
IFP National Spokesperson
071 111 0539

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