The Inkatha Freedom Party in KwaZulu-Natal is concerned about some cases of indiscipline and vandalism to property in some schools, after buildings at Eminyezaneni Secondary School near Mooi River in the Midlands were badly vandalised during the December holidays.
“This is an unforeseen and unnecessary expenses. It infuriates us that people continue to vandalised and rob schools that are struggling financially and cannot afford to make repairs. It is only with the help of the community that we can fight crime. Damage to property is a serious offence and perpetrators may be fined and even face jail time.
Some criminals often break-in and steal smaller items they can sell to fund their drug addiction or other more sinister crimes. It is therefore imperative that any crime be reported to the police,” said IFP KZN Provincial Spokesperson on Education, Mrs Thembeni Madlopha-Mthethwa MPL.
“The truth is, damaging public property is a criminal offence, and culprits must be treated as such and prosecuted. Resorting to burning schools undermined the right to a basic education for many children who are negatively affected by this act of arson. The burning of schools has a direct negative impact on the right of children to realise their right to basic education.
The perception of the perpetrator of the act of vandalism is that public property is “government property” as if government is an alien organisation or that government is an outside entity or even the enemy of the people.
A criminal act cannot by any way be a justifiable means to achieve any goal; no matter how noble the cause is. A crime is a crime no matter why and where the act was carried out. If this is the kind of attitude that we all have towards public property, then our people still have a long way to go before we can even call ourselves citizens of a democratic country. If we don’t even care for the property that was created or built for the common good then can we still call ourselves educated and cultured citizens of this country?” concluded Mrs Madlopha-Mthethwa.
The IFP welcomes the commitment made by the KZN Provincial Department of Education that mobile classes will be provided so that children can continue with their classes.
Issued by:
Mrs Thembeni Madlopha-Mthethwa MPL,
IFP KZN Provincial Spokesperson on Education,
079 114 3015/ 071 884 3844