IFP Welcomes SIU Investigation Into KZN Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture

Apr 4, 2024 | Press Releases

The IFP, as the Official Opposition in the KZN Legislature, welcomes Proclamation 160 of 2024, authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate allegations of serious maladministration and corruption in the affairs of the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Department of Sports, Arts, and Culture and to recover any financial losses suffered by the State or the department regarding the procurement and contracting for serious maladministration for the construction of nine libraries and the panel of suppliers for the supply of books.

The SIU’s probe will investigate the construction of the following Libraries:

  • Dukuduku Library
  • Nibela Modular Library
  • Kwankosi Khumalo Modular Library
  • Kwakhetha Modular Library
  • Mpembeni Modular Library
  • Ntunjambili Modular Library
  • Donny Dalton Modular Library
  • Mfekayo Modular Library
  • Kwanzimakwe Modular Library

We are shocked but not surprised by the SIU investigation, which is an indictment of the ANC-led KZN Provincial Government. The ANC’s milking of state coffers has become a way of life and is deeply ingrained since they took over from the IFP government.

The SIU investigation comes against the backdrop where the same department was involved in an alleged R4 million “booze scandal,” which happened earlier in April 2023 at the Durban ICC during the former KZN Arts, Sports, and Culture MEC Amanda Bani-Mapena’s tenure. No one has ever been held accountable.

The IFP has, in the past, raised its concerns about government departments that appoint incompetent contractors that provide poor workmanship. Serious questions must be asked: how were these incompetent contractors awarded tenders to build libraries? Where are the checks and balances? Is there collusion between these companies and departmental officials?

Heads must roll. This is yet another example of wasteful expenditure of public funds, as substandard projects continue to cost the state billions of Rands that are unaccounted for.

Further, we urge President Cyril Ramaphosa to sign another proclamation to investigate the incomplete Bhambanana Abattoir. It is concerning that almost 13 years the Bhambanana Abbattoir is not complete, and it is not clear when it will be completed.

The construction of Bhambanana Abattoir was initiated by the Department of Public Works in 2012, and in 2016, it was considered complete, with an expenditure of R82 867 090.52 million.

The KZN Department of Agriculture allegedly spent another R8 133 428.51 million towards addressing engineering snags. This was the response from the MEC for Agriculture, Super Zuma, to a question we submitted in the legislature in November 2023.

There must be consequences for incompetence on the part of officials and contractors. The culture of embezzling public funds must stop. All those implicated in corruption must be punished.

Hon. Blessed Gwala MPL
IFP Leader of the Official Opposition in the KZN Legislature
078 290 5842

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