The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) would like to wish the Class of 2022 everything of the best as they embark upon their final examinations.
We would like to remind learners that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, and that time invested in studying will bear fruit. Success in exams is built on consistent hard work and effort.
During this often-stressful time, we would also like to call on parents and guardians to support their children.
The IFP would further like to extend its thanks to all the educators and support staff who have worked tirelessly over the past year to prepare learners for these exams. We also thank in advance all those who will be providing support during the exams in venues across the country.
We would also like to offer a word of warning to those who might be considering cheating: it is not worth risking your future – please do not cheat.
Lastly, we trust that provision has been made for exam venues in the case of loadshedding, so that exams may proceed without interruption.
Good luck to all our Matrics!
Hon. Mkhuleko Hlengwa MP
IFP National Spokesperson
071 111 0539