IFP Youth Brigade 2016 Year End Message

Dec 21, 2016 | Press Releases

2016 has proved that political ground is quick sand; after this year South Africa will never be the same again.
The electorate began to take their country back through the barrel of the ballot; and on 3 August our democracy ushered in a new momentum for change.

Our democracy is, albeit its shortcomings, alive and as the citizenry is increasingly engaging in matters affecting our discourse. Therefore, 2016 will go down in history as a year of change because our democracy was awakened and it diverted the direction of the country where it mattered most; atthe ballot box.

In 2016 we as South Africans proved that it is possible to turn this country around and place it on a new democratic path. Thanks be to God, the people have stopped waiting for government to do it. They are doing it themselves, through their vote. They are shifting the balance of power towards a different kind of leadership; a leadership of integrity.

The IFPYB wishes to thank all South Africans who trusted the IFP with their vote; we wish to assure them that their trust is not misplaced. The IFP understands the realities and struggles of all South Africans and we are equal to the expectations of service delivery.
Whether we are in government or in the opposition we will carry on our shoulders the dreams, hopes and aspirations of the people we serve.
The Peoples’ struggle for jobs and dignity is our struggle. We are in this together.

As we celebrate the triumphs of 2016 we must not lose sight of the most pressing issues that continue to plague our country, our own attention should remain focussed on a declining economy, persistent unemployment which now stands at 27.1% and increasing hardship for millions of South Africans. In the midst of this, social protest has grown, from the #FeesMustFall campaign to marches around the country against poor leadership by the President.

In the face of these challenges it goes without saying that 2017 will be a difficult year for South Africa; a year of difficult choices and tough decisions on competing priorities.

In 2017 the IFP will continue, under the able and capable leadership of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, being a voice of reason; and an island of hope and integrity in sea of corruption and poor leadership. We remain committed to standing with people and we are sternly focussed on doing that which is right at all times, and at all costs.

In 2016 when Parliament obfuscated on its duty to act on the findings of the Constitutional Court that the President of the Republic had “failed to uphold, defend and respect the Constitution“, we saw a world renowned constitution being sacrificed at the altar of political expedience.

During this holiday season let us all take time and engage in a moment of national reflection and we must ask ourselves how we got here and importantly determine how we will get out of the firm grip of the prevailing blatant disregard for law, order, democracy and constitutionalism. This is our primary duty in 2017.

As racism reared its ugly head more forcefully in 2017 we are reminded that reconciliation is not an event, it is a process which demands as a matter of urgency the restoration of the dignity of black people through intense efforts to develop our country and grow the economy to create jobs, decrease inequality and eradicate poverty and thus push back the frontiers of racism and racially condescending attitudes.

In 2017 the #FeesMustFall Movement must continue to ensure the decommercialisation of education; which is a right for all and not a privilege for the selected few.

Free education must first and foremost benefit the poor, whose lives on a daily basis is punctuated by struggle and inequality.

Our democratic rights are not for sale to be sold to those with deep pockets whilst leaving the poor, struggling and vulnerable languishing in a socio-economic wilderness without hope and progress in life and unable to contribute to South Africa’s economic growth and development because they do not have the money to buy education.

The escalation of political violence and senseless murders are cause for serious concern. Let us pray for peace and appreciate the value of human life, regardless of political differences. Let us uphold the notion of agreeing to disagree without being disagreeable.

The IFPYB wishes all South Africans peace and prosperity during the festive season, and may we all be safe on the roads as we travel to various destinations across the country.

In 2017 let us all put South Africa first.

Issued on behalf of the IFP Youth Brigade by:
Mkhuleko Hlengwa, MP
IFPYB National Chairperson
071 111 0539

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