IFPWB: No Mercy for Hillary Gardee’s Killers

May 14, 2022 | Press Releases

The Inkatha Freedom Party Women’s Brigade (IFPWB) demands that authorities  show no mercy in bringing to justice those involved in the murder of Hillary Gardee and other women in the country.

We stand firm and are unapologetic about this.

Government must work proactively to protect its citizens from violence and injustice. Those that kill women must not be shown any mercy. It is painful to us as women that despite living in a democratic country, women live in constant fear of being attacked, raped, or even killed by heartless men.

As the IFP Women’s Brigade, we believe that these people deserve the harshest of sentences, as they show no mercy when killing others. We believe they are not scared to kill because they know that they will be given lenient sentences.

These are the criminals who horrify us most…murderers who kill without mercy.

They may be driven by greed, hatred, sadistic urges or simply bloodlust. But there is one added ingredient that makes their crimes utterly reprehensible in the eyes of a civilised society – and that is their total lack of remorse for their vile deeds. They are murderers who show no compassion, who kill without a hint of regret, without penitence, without shame. For many, their lack of conscience is apparent because they kill not once, but over and over again.

The IFPWB calls for tough action against the perpetrators of violence against women and children. Government should not allow criminals to roam the streets and do as they wish. We reiterate our stance that femicide and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV) must be declared a national disaster. We further call upon the justice system and law enforcement agencies to get on board. They must speed up their investigations in all GBV cases and bring the perpetrators to book.

Those found guilty of killing women, children and other vulnerable people must be serve their full sentence, without parole. The IFPWB send its heartfelt condolences to Hillary Gardee’s family, and all those mourning loved ones taken too soon by GBV.

Princess Phumzile Buthelezi, MPL
IFP Women’s Brigade National Chairperson
073 216 0918

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