KZN’s Citizens Left to the Mercy of Criminals

May 30, 2022 | Press Releases

Once again, it appears that the ANC administration in KwaZulu-Natal has failed its citizens, leaving them vulnerable and at the mercy of criminals. This follows a brutal attack on a senior citizen by an alleged rapist, who broke into Gogo Fikile Magwaza’s house and tried to rape her. Fortunately, it seems that Magwaza was able to defend herself against the perpetrator before the local community gathered to assist her. The horrifying visuals of the scene indicate it was a violent altercation, with a pool of blood visible on the ground.

The perpetrator is currently under police custody in hospital and is believed to have even raped some of his own relatives.

This alleged repeat sex offender is said to have been roaming the streets of Sonkombe area, Ndwedwe, not far from Premier Sihle Zikalala’s official residence. It is shocking that while the Premier is kept safe and secure under 24-hour security, the people of the surrounding community were being terrorised by this sexual predator.

Tragically, it seems that the people of KwaZulu-Natal have lost confidence and trust in the police, as well as lost hope that the Premier can ensure their safety. Despite the fact that this criminal caused many sleepless nights for the community, they did not take their concerns to the Premier, even though they practically live on his doorstep.

Further, as the IFP, we are concerned that our police personnel are not equipped with adequate skills, in particular when interviewing victims, as this has allegedly been taking place in public areas. Upon visiting a number of police stations in KwaZulu-Natal we discovered that they do not have a private room for interviewing rape victims in a dignified manner. We view this as inflicting yet more abuse upon victims, who are often sent home without any form of assistance.

We would like to call upon communities to report any form of criminal activity, especially in rural and far-flung areas, where perpetrators take advantage of the isolated location.

With the observation of Child Protection Awareness Week, from 30 May to 6 June, we would like to urge communities to work together to ensure the safety of all children and to protect them from mutilation, child trafficking and bullying.

Further, we call on the Premier to act with urgency and ensure that the police have the capacity and the skills to keep citizens safe from the criminals who are terrorising the people of KwaZulu-Natal.

IFP KZN Legislature Spokesperson for Social Development
Hon. Les Govender MPL
083 974 4894

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