On Friday, 8 July 2022, IFP Deputy President, Hon. Inkosi EM Buthelezi, IFP Chief Whip in Parliament, Hon. N Singh, and IFP Chairperson of Caucus, Hon. Inkosi R Cebekhulu, will brief the media on the outcomes of a workshop held in Durban this week. The purpose of the workshop was to streamline operations across the IFP’s three spheres of governance. The workshop follows the IFP’s overwhelming success in the Local Government Elections held in 2021, where the IFP experienced significant growth.
IFP Members of Parliament will also be available to field questions relating to their respective portfolios.
All members of the media are invited to attend.
Date: 8 July 2022
Time: 11h30
Location: First Floor, Elangeni Hotel, Durban
Hon. Mkhuleko Hlengwa, MP
IFP National Spokesperson
071 111 0539
Ms Megan Dick
082 432 1335