Multi-party Charter Presents Its Plan of Social Relief For Households Living in Poverty

Apr 22, 2024 | Press Releases

Joint Media Advisory by the DA, IFP, FF Plus, ActionSA, ACDP, ISANCO, UIM, SNP, UCDP, Ekhethu and UNP

With over 30 million South Africans trapped below the poverty line, and unemployment at 41%, the imperative of a social relief framework is indisputable. Government must put measures in place to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. Signatory parties to the Multi-Party Charter are united around an approach to ending poverty and hunger, blending short-term relief efforts with long-term strategies for socioeconomic development.

On Wednesday 24 April 2024, through a joint press conference, Party leaders in the Multi-Party Charter will present the Charter’s four agreed objectives towards building a social relief framework. The commitment of a Charter Government will be declared.

Symbolically, this press conference will be held outside a SASSA office, in solidarity with the millions of vulnerable South Africans who are subjected to a system mired in corruption and ineptitude.

Members of the media are invited to join us. Leaders will be available for interviews and photographs.

Event details:
Date: Wednesday 24 April 2024
Venue: Benoni SASSA office, Ekurhuleni,28.314377
Time: 11h00 to 12h30

Media Enquiries:
DA: Charity McCord, Media Officer to the DA Federal Leader 078 126 2765
IFP: Lyndith Waller, Office of the IFP President 073 929 1418
FF Plus: Heloise Denner MP, Spokesperson for the FF Plus 072 997 8315
ActionSA: Sam Mgobozi, Communications Director for ActionSA 078 231 5977
ACDP: Joshua Meshoe, Communications Director for ACDP 060 543 7352
ISANCO: Dr Yongama Mrwetyana, Media Officer for ISANCO 071 795 1117
UIM: Virginia Young, Media Liaison for UIM 064 283 6781
SNP: Winston Coetzee, Deputy President for SNP 082 228 3523
UCDP: Henry Hlengwa, Secretary General 071 421 7208
Ekethu: Tumelo Ngobeni, Spokesperson 071 868 2157
UNP: Prince Nkwana, Party Leader 083 702 1471

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