Multi-Party Charter to Meet with Civil Society Organisations

Nov 24, 2023 | Press Releases

On Tuesday, 28 November 2023, the eight parties to the Multi-Party Charter will host a gathering of civil society organisations. The purpose of the event is first and foremost for us to listen. We want to hear from civil society organisations what they want and expect from us. We would like civil society organisations to share with us what they think we need to do to bring about the political change South Africa so desperately needs. And how a new Charter government can engage with civil society to ensure an effective and transparent coalition government that is consultative in its approach.

Members of the media are invited. Party leaders will be available for short interviews and photographs.

Event details:

Date: Tuesday 28 November 2023
Registration: From 09:00
Event open to media: 09:15 – 11:15
Venue: Birchwood Hotel, 14 View Point Street, Boksburg

Media enquiries:

DA: Charity McCord, Media Officer to the DA Federal Leader 078 126 2765
IFP: Megan Dick, Office of the IFP President 082 432 1335
FF Plus: Heloise Denner MP, Spokesperson for the FF Plus 072 997 8315
ActionSA: Sam Mgobozi, Communications Director for ActionSA 078 231 5977
ACDP: Joshua Meshoe, Communications Director for ACDP 060 543 7352
ISANCO: Nceba Matomane, Media Officer for ISANCO 0614726507
UIM: Virginia Young, Media Liaison for UIM 064 283 6781
SNP: Winston Coetzee, Deputy President for SNP 082 228 3523

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