President of the IFP Velenkosini Hlabisa Addresses the Eastern Seaboard Development Engagement

Oct 8, 2024 | Press Releases

President of the IFP and Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Honourable Velenkosini Hlabisa addressed the Eastern Seaboard Conference in Wild Coast Sun, Port Edward.

In his opening remarks, the President first sent his condolences to the Premier of Eastern Cape, Honourable Oscar Mabuyane on the tragedy of mass killings in the Eastern Cape, and acknowledged the need of law enforcement to meet these perpetrators with the same force.

Honourable Hlabisa has acknowledged the impact of the Government of National Unity(GNU), for the impact and effectiveness in communication and work environment between him, and the Deputy Ministers of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

In addressing the matters of the District Development Model (DDM), which is anchored on a common vision for the development of the country, the President in his capacity as Minister of COGTA said, “We are aware of the institutionalisation of the DDM and ensuring that it will bear fruits will not be possible without the involvement of all stakeholders, including our traditional leaders.

To this effect, the DDM will remain instrumental as an all of society and government approach. As such we welcome the completion and approval of the DDM plans across all 52 Districts and Metros. This means that in one of four districts namely, Ugu, Harry Gwala, OR Tambo and Alfred Nzo, the Eastern Seaboard Development features prominently,” said Honourable Hlabisa.

In his closing remarks, the President urged political leadership in the ESD to prioritise and commit resources for bulk infrastructure and basic services; (2) lead on land tenure from traditional leaders; (3) and attract investment from private sector through various platforms. I urge all of us to continue providing updates to our communities on where this important development is going.

The engagement of the President in the DDM, also follows the IFP commitment to empower provinces, districts and municipalities to support agricultural growth through
infrastructure, water schemes, education and financing.

And, also revamp local economic development and restructure the Small Enterprise
Development Agency, to reduce small business failures and create meaningful jobs, by investing in infrastructure that creates a conducive environment for investors.

For this we should all speak in one voice, and work together for the realisation of the ESD guided by DDM Principles.

I call upon all of us to reflect on this enormous responsibility as a legacy we bequeath the next generation of the region.

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