Sarcasm Is Signature of KZN Premier’s Office

Nov 30, 2023 | Press Releases

The IFP, as the Official Opposition in the KZN Legislature, is very troubled by the sarcastic attitude displayed by the Office of the KZN Premier, Nomusa Dube-Ncube, towards opposition parties that have demanded answers about the shenanigans taking place in the Office of the Premier, in the form of Parliamentary Questions.

The IFP was dismayed to receive sarcastic responses from the Office of the Premier in response to the following IFP Written Parliamentary Questions:

1. Can the Premier confirm or deny that plans are afoot to lease 600 hectares (6000 000m2), and a farm in Blood River (Nquthu), pending signing of a 30-year lease agreement between Prince Mbonisi Zulu and the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), in February 2022.
2. What selection procedure was used to select Prince Mbonisi Zulu amongst other Zulu Royal family members and ordinary community members as a suitable person to lease a farm;
3. Were there any meetings held between the KZN Zulu Royal Household Trust, Office of the Premier and the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development to discuss the issue of signing farm lease;
4. If yes, please attach a copy of minutes.
5. If, not, why not.
6. Is Prince Mbonisi Zulu an experienced farmer or does he possess any agricultural qualification or is he currently involved in any agricultural activities;
7. How much will be paid by Prince Mbosini Zulu on a monthly basis as rent for the farm lease;
8. Has the site visit been conducted to the said farm that will be leased to Prince Mbonisi Zulu;
9. Who currently owns the farm that will be leased to Prince Mbonisi Zulu;
10. What is the current status of the farm that will be leased to Prince Mbonisi Zulu;
11. Are there any farms that will be leased to other Zulu Royal Family members other than Prince Mbonisi Zulu or ordinary community members.

It has become clear that the sarcasm is the signature of Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube.

The Premier responded sarcastically that the IFP Member who asked these questions, Mr Blessed Gwala, must ask Prince Mbonisi Zulu these questions directly, and not ask her Office.

As the IFP, we feel disrespected by the Premier’s conduct.

The IFP directed these questions to the Premier because, as the ‘captain of the ship’, the buck stops at her doorstep. The Office of the Premier is obliged to maintain good relations and strengthen co-operation with opposition parties. We are convinced that the Premier is behaving in such a manner because the IFP, as the Official Opposition in KZN, serves as a watchdog to hold provincial government accountable. The IFP has, on numerous occasions, challenged her to come out of the shadows and clarify issues that are overshadowing her Office. It is the IFP’s responsibility to ensure that government functions within the confines of the law.

The toxicity of the ANC under Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube has reached alarming levels.

The ANC has reached its sell-by date in KZN. It is not difficult to see that the venom towards the IFP is simply because of the ANC’s insatiable appetite for power and self-aggrandisement. It is not because the ANC wants to use that power for the benefit of the people of KZN.

The IFP cannot be bullied by a sarcastic leader. Overall, sarcasm has no place in a leader’s skill set. Leaders need to be trustworthy, focussed and decisive – sarcasm undermines all three of these characteristics.

Despite the Premier’s behaviour, the IFP will continue to hold the ANC provincial government accountable, without fear or favour.

Mr Blessed Gwala MPL
Leader of the Official Opposition in the KZN Legislature
078 290 5842

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