To The Sunday Times from Muntonezwi Khanyile

Jun 20, 2012 | Letters

The Editor
The Sunday Times
Dear editor

IFP no tool for proxy fights to project the ANC innocent in its internal battles .

Writing in Blade Nzimande’s defence of being a struggle hero S’thembiso Msomi ( Politics in command – Mission to tarnish Blade’s past ), one is left to be critical of S’thembiso Msomi’s journalistic conduct than one would delve on the article itself. Msomi a KwaMashu born, perceives it to be a sin to be a former Inkatha member. What surprises more is when he goes to defend Blade Nzimande’s struggle credentials, more so unexpected of journalist even his ethics prohibits punctuating individuals because you happen to belong or share the same faith with them. It is known that many journalist took a Charterist lining during struggle days and many like Mondli Makhanya were ANC guerillas in townships who participated in killing and burning of people who were perceived to follow other parties other than the ANC especially PAC ,AZAPO and IFP .

What is wrong if Blade Nzimande was a member of the IFP? Thami Mseleku was the member of The IFP , S’busiso Bengu was the prominent leader of the IFP and many more leaders who are contributing in this country for its betterment .Msomi writes that he would not dwell on the merits and demerits of the IFP being the liberation hero , Many have branded the IFP being a Bantustan Party that contributed to the oppression and colluded with the apartheid forces but Msomi stop short to investigate and stood in defence of Blade Nzimande disassociationg with the IFP, as to why he would not look at the merits of legacy of IFP in the struggle God knows , it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that the IFP was against the armed struggle the ANC’S language of understanding , The IFP advocated round table dialogue and proof to that we ended in Kempton where the country’s future was sealed through pen and paper not through the burning of your opponents .

Many like S’thembiso ,Malesa Maleka urge that the IFP’s hand is full of blood for innocent civilians , perhaps it would be goods to fully investigate the history of political violence in this country Prof Anthea Jeffrey wrote in her book The People’s War that for the ANC to achiever political hegemony it had to use any form of discrediting its political opponents hence UDF was formed for this purpose , hostel dwellers were victims of that political machinations , many die through being burnt and dosed with petrol their crime was to be associated with the IFP , Hence Blade Nzimande find himself in that situation , no but he is not to be burnt because all this is done to win battles going to Mangaung ANC elective conference and with ANC camps trying to achieve political hegemony over other camps and nothing at all about the poor hoi polloi .


Muntonezwi Khanyile
037 1696 083
Branch Executive
Ward 62

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