

Functioning infrastructure is vital to deliver basic services efficiently. The government’s failure to deliver services has become par for the course because it has allowed our country’s infrastructure to fall into a state of disrepair. A failure to allocate infrastructure development and maintenance resources where they are most needed and to address the huge backlogs in providing basic service infrastructure has led to a crisis. An IFP government will work for you. We value your dignity and your right to access clean water, electricity, toilets, housing, and other infrastructure. It is our duty to ensure that every South African can access quality services wherever they live.


  • Ensure universal access to safe, affordable water and sanitation by 2030 and replace community water tanks with long-term solutions.
  • Ensure that water resources are protected and preserved, while strengthening the regulatory frameworks for water and sanitation quality and safety.
  • Define roles for provincial governments in water and sanitation management, by ensuring regular government control and remediation for all water suppliers.
  • Resource all municipalities financially and through capacity building so that they can provide clean running water sustainably.
  • Efficiently manage Basic Infrastructure Grants provided to municipalities. The projects will be handled through a well-resourced and district-wide shared project management unit. This will avoid the current situation where many municipalities cannot spend their grants and return funding to the National Fiscus.
  • Prioritise the maintenance and upgrading of existing infrastructure.
  • Immediately embark on a national water audit, repair damaged water infrastructure, and invest in modern infrastructure and technologies to improve the efficiency of our water systems.
  • Establish a singular water agency with provincial agencies for localized management.
  • Eradicate the bucket toilet system once and for all.
  • Promote water treatment/recycling technologies and waste-to-energy projects.
  • Recycle grey water and implement measures to reduce water wastage.
  • Strictly prohibit sewer discharge into rivers, directing stormwater runoff and sewage into treatment plants instead.
  • Ensure the formation of community-based water and sanitation committees.
  • Partner with communities, especially women and differently-abled community members, to help deliver essential services, build houses, and lay pipes for water, electricity and sanitation.